I tried to find the way through web search, but I could not.
What I want to do is dispatching jQuery method like below;
var dispatchFunction = function (selector, jQueryMethod, jQueryArgs) {
jQuery(selector)[jQueryMethod].apply(this, jQueryArgs);
Although It looks like the result of
is a function. But when I call 'apply' to that function in javascript console, it does not work like below;
func = jQuery("#todo")["text"];
=> function (e){return b.access(this,function(e){return e===t?b.text(this):this.empty().append((this[0]&&this[0].ownerDocument||o).createTextNode(e))},null,e,arguments.length)}
=> "abc"
=> ""
func.apply(this, []);
=> ""
Is there any way to do this?
What you need to do is:
var dispatchFunction = function (selector, jQueryMethod, jQueryArgs) {
var selection = jQuery(selector);
selection[jQueryMethod].apply(selection, jQueryArgs);
You might want to read more info about this
keyword and function vs method calls in JS.