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How to create MenuDrawer like Hangouts apps?

I would like to implement a drawer in my app, like in the hangouts app, just on the left side, but thats not the most importent, its good on the right too. I already implemented a menu drawer, how can i make it semi closed like the picture on the link?

Or is this a new kind of drawer? Then whats its name? So i can search for some samples.

I used support.v4 library, and the actionbarsherlock. So this project is api >=10.

Thank you for your help.


  • It's called SlidingPaneLayout. In this week's episode of Android Design in Action, Roman Nurik also mentioned that it is used by the Hangouts app.

    Watch this part of the Google I/O Session Android Design for UI Developers to see how to implement this pattern.