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Current logged-in user in stackmob

I'm trying to get a list of contacts for the user that is logged in, but I can't figure out how to find the current user. I know from you use Parse.User.current() does Stackmob have anything like this?

Code below to demonstrate what i'm looking for.

$(window).load(function () {
        var user = StackMob.User;
        var Contacts = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: 'contacts' });
        var myContacts = new Contacts();
        var q = new StackMob.Collection.Query();
        q.equals('sm_owner', user);
        q.orderAsc('FirstName'); //sort by title in ascending order
        q.setRange(0, 9); //get the first 10.  second 10 would be setRange(10,19)
        myContacts.query(q, {
            success: function (model) {
                console.debug(model.toJSON()); //JSON array of matching Todo objects
            error: function (model, response) {

I got what i was looking for using the code below but having ('sm_owner','user/thomas') is sort of useless.

$(window).load(function () {            
        var Contacts = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: 'contacts' });
        var myContacts = new Contacts();
        var q = new StackMob.Collection.Query();
        q.equals('sm_owner', 'user/thomas');
        q.orderAsc('FirstName'); //sort by title in ascending order
        q.setRange(0, 9); //get the first 10.  second 10 would be setRange(10,19)
        myContacts.query(q, {
            success: function (model) {
                console.debug(model.toJSON()); //JSON array of matching Todo objects
            error: function (model, response) {


  • It sounds like you want to do this using StackMob's schema permissions.

    For example, you can set up permissions so that your users can only read contact objects that they themselves have created.

    When a user creates an object, the sm_owner field is automatically set to the currently logged-in user. To take advantage of this, you can set up the contacts schema to only allow a user to read their own contacts. This way, filtering by current user is done server-side and you don't have to specifically query for it on the client.

    How to set this up:

    Go go Schema Configuration and Edit select your schema. Under Schema Permissions, choose Logged In Permissions -> Allow to sm_owner for Read, Update, and Delete.

    Now when you query the contacts schema, only contact objects where (sm_owner == the current user) will be returned. Then you can simply remove this line:

    q.equals('sm_owner', 'user/thomas');