I have a UITableViewCell subclass that contains a UITextView where scrolling is turned off. I set its frame like this, in my table view cell layoutSubviews method:
CGRect frame = self.bodyTextView.frame;
CGSize size = self.bodyTextView.contentSize;
frame.size = size;
self.bodyTextView.frame = frame;
This has been working fine for some time, but I've noticed that in a case where I have a particularly large amount of text, the text is getting cut off. I've set the text view frame background color to orange so I could verify that the frame was being set correctly. Here is an example (I am only showing the bottom portion of the text view):
The frame is the correct size based on the text (in this case 1019 points), but the text stops before the bottom of the text view. I have also seen the text get cut off part way through a line, (ie the text of the last visible line of text is cut off half way through horizontally). Does anyone have an idea what is happening here?
A few other points:
According to this and similar answers, the problem could be that "the correct contentSize is only available after the UITextView has been added to the view ... Prior to that it is equal to frame.size"
I'd suggest you to calculate the height in a different way, like -sizeWithFont: or -sizeTofit