What's happening?
This is log of my webapp:
40094 [http-8080-6] TRACE com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyContext - Initialized PrettyContext
40094 [http-8080-6] TRACE com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyContext - Initialized PrettyContext
40094 [http-8080-6] TRACE com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyFilter - Request is not mapped using PrettyFaces. Continue.
40094 [http-8080-6] TRACE com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyContext - Initialized PrettyContext
40094 [http-8080-6] TRACE com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyContext - PrettyContext not found in Request - building new instance
40094 [http-8080-6] DEBUG org.springframework.faces.support.RequestLoggingPhaseListener - Entering JSF Phase: RESTORE_VIEW 1
40141 [http-8080-6] TRACE com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyContext - Retrieved PrettyContext from Request
40141 [http-8080-6] TRACE com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.beans.ParameterInjector - Validating parameters.
40141 [http-8080-6] TRACE com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyContext - Retrieved PrettyContext from Request
40141 [http-8080-6] TRACE com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.beans.ParameterInjector - Injecting parameters
40141 [http-8080-6] TRACE com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyContext - Retrieved PrettyContext from Request
40141 [http-8080-6] TRACE com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyContext - Retrieved PrettyContext from Request
40141 [http-8080-6] INFO com.indra.siguip.view.exceptions.SiguipExceptionHandler - Entrando al manejador de Excepciones del JSF
40141 [http-8080-6] TRACE com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyContext - Retrieved PrettyContext from Request
40141 [http-8080-6] DEBUG org.springframework.faces.support.RequestLoggingPhaseListener - Entering JSF Phase: APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2
40141 [http-8080-6] INFO com.indra.siguip.view.exceptions.SiguipExceptionHandler - Entrando al manejador de Excepciones del JSF
40141 [http-8080-6] TRACE com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyContext - Retrieved PrettyContext from Request
40141 [http-8080-6] DEBUG org.springframework.faces.support.RequestLoggingPhaseListener - Entering JSF Phase: PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
40141 [http-8080-6] TRACE org.springframework.web.jsf.el.SpringBeanFacesELResolver - Successfully resolved variable 'applicationConfig' in Spring BeanFactory
40141 [http-8080-6] TRACE org.springframework.web.jsf.el.SpringBeanFacesELResolver - Successfully resolved variable 'menuGeneratorService' in Spring BeanFactory
28/05/2013 07:54:00 PM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ProcessValidationsPhase execute
ADVERTENCIA: Se ha producido un error al realizar la inyección de recurso en el bean administrado menuController
com.sun.faces.mgbean.ManagedBeanCreationException: Se ha producido un error al realizar la inyección de recurso en el bean administrado menuController
at com.sun.faces.mgbean.BeanBuilder.invokePostConstruct(BeanBuilder.java:229)
This is my configuration of Spring Securiy and PretyFaces
<filter-name>Pretty Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Pretty Filter</filter-name>
PD: I've change topic to be more explicit
You have only configured your spring-security filter to handle FORWARD requests, it also needs to handle other types:
PrettyFaces does not FORWARD the request if it is not handled by the framework, therefore, the dispatch type remains REQUEST, and the Spring Security filter never executes.