i write a piece of program to fetch content from a string between ":"(may not have) and "@" and order guaranteed,for example a string like "url:123@my.com",the I fetch "123",or "123@my.com" then i fetch "123" ,too; so I write a regular expression to implement it ,but i can not work,behind is first version:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?<=:?).*?(?=@)");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("sip:+8610086@dmcw.com");
if (matcher.find()) {
Log.d("regex", matcher.group());
} else {
Log.d("regex", "not match");
it can not work because in the first case:"url:123@my.com" it will get the result:"url:123" obviously not what i want:
so i write the second version:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?<=:??).*?(?=@)");
but it get the error,somebody said java not support variable length in look behind;
so I try the third version:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?<=:).*?(?=@)|.*?(?=@)");
and its result is same as the first version ,BUT SHOULD NOT THE FIRST CONDITION BE CONSIDERED FIRST?
it same as
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*?(?=@)|(?<=:).*?(?=@)");
not left to right! I consider I understood regular expression before ,but confused again.thanks in advance anyway.
Try this (slightly edited, see comments):
String test = "sip:+8610086@dmcw.com";
String test2 = "8610086@dmcw.com";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(.+?:)?(.+?)(?=@)");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(test);
if (matcher.find()) {
matcher = pattern.matcher(test2);
if (matcher.find()) {
Let me know if you need explanations on the pattern.