I am using grunt-jsdoc to manage the execution of jsdoc command, which depends on Java and needs to have the JAVA_HOME environment variable set. Assuming they already have node.js and Java, I'm trying to limit the local developer setup (on either Linux or Windows) to:
npm install
I have this working on Linux by using the grunt-shell plugin and running a task like this right before the jsdoc task:
// left out the part where I don't execute this task if JAVA_HOME already set
shell: {
getjavahome_linux: {
command: 'readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:bin/java::"',
options: {
callback: function(err, stdout, stderr, cb) {
process.env.JAVA_HOME = stdout;
But I have not been able to find a similar command for Windows, to say nothing of other platforms. My question:
A) Is there a better approach in Grunt that does not require these platform-specific commands?
B) If not, anyone have a Windows command that will do the equivalent of the Linux version above?
Note: actually setting JAVA_HOME inside the shell command does not work with grunt-jsdoc, but getting the output and setting process.env.JAVA_HOME
works great.
The JAVA_HOME env var check becomes a simple warning since version 0.3.3 of grunt-jsdoc
And since version 0.5.0, it doesn't require the Java version of jdsoc anymore. It fully runs on node.js