Logback allows you to define an DBAppender
with a JNDI data source like so:
<connectionSource class="ch.qos.logback.core.db.JNDIConnectionSource">
I will be deploying this Java app as a WAR to Tomcat, but want DB logging to work when I'm testing locally in Eclipse or in a standalone Tomcat instance. Where/how do I configure the JNDI data source that Logback will use when it reads the above configuration? Thanks in advance!
In a standalone tomcat instance you would configure server.xml
or context.xml
in tomcat to define the data source as per normal (see here)
For using it locally in Eclipse, i.e. without a Web container, you'd change your connectionSource
to something like:
<connectionSource class="ch.qos.logback.core.db.DriverManagerConnectionSource">
See also, logback manual on appenders which has a tomcat example.