I am trying to configure the MPU of lpc1788 to get the entire 4GB space as Executable Region. Following is the code that I have written so far and have managed to see the desired outcomes on keil uVision 4 debugger. I have no experience in assembly language programming of lpc1788. And, yet I have got the results. But What I dont know is whether it is normal that execution goes in hardFault Handler after the execution of the last instruction in the code below? Or I have made some mistake? Any suggestions would be of so much help.
#define MPU_CTRL 0xE000ED94
__asm int mpu_init(void);
int main()
_asm int mpu_init(void)
/* Disable MPU */
MOV R1, #0x4;
STR R1, [R0, #0x0];
MOV R2, #0x0;
STR R2, [R0, #0x4];
MOV R3, #0x030F;
LSL R6, R3, #16;
MOV R4, #0xFF3F;
STR R6, [R0, #0xC];
STRH R4, [R0, #0XC]
//MOV R5, #0x0;
//STR R5, [R0, #0x8];
/* Enable MPU */
MOV R1, #0x7;
STR R1, [R0, #0x0];
I think you forgot a return instruction (BX LR
) so the execution continues into whatever data happens to be after the function.
I would actually recommend using C to initialize the MPU - less chance of making a mistake, and it's trivial to do using CMSIS headers.