Yet another worksheet copying problem! This is a simple problem that has got me stumped. I want the click of a command button (in action.xlsm) to repopulate the values in a range ("stock" - 2 cols & maybe 100 rows - this is the master inventory records) in a separate excel file (inventory.xlsx), from a named range ("newInventory" - same size as other named range) in the active worksheet (in action.xlsm) that has had the original "stock" values reduced by the values of items taken out of stock. The calculations are OK I just can't get the master inventory file to update. I have checked heaps of forums and tried two approaches to no avail. I have tried:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim InventoryFileName As String
InventoryFileName = "C:\Users\david\Documents\inventory.xlsx"
Workbooks(InventoryFileName).Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("stock") = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("inventory").Range("newInventory").Value
End Sub
Throws a "Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range" on line 4. I have also tried:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim wbTarget As Workbook 'workbook where the data is to be pasted
Dim wsTarget As Worksheet
Dim wbThis As Workbook 'workbook from where the data is to copied
Dim wsThis As Worksheet
Dim strName As String 'name of the source sheet/ target workbook
'set to the current active workbook (the source book)
Set wbThis = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsThis = ActiveSheet
'get the active sheetname of the book
strName = wsThis.Name
'open a workbook that has same name as the sheet name
Set wbTarget = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\david\Documents\" & strName & ".xlsx")
Set wsTarget = wbTarget.Worksheets("Sheet1")
'select cell A1 on the target book
'clear existing values form target book
'activate the source book
'clear any thing on clipboard to maximize available memory
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'copy the range from source book
'paste the data on the target book
wbTarget.wsTarget.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
'clear any thing on clipboard to maximize available memory
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'save the target book
'close the workbook
'activate the source book again
'clear memory
Set wbTarget = Nothing
Set wbThis = Nothing
End Sub
This throws a "Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method" on line wbTarget.wsTarget.Range("A1").Select
What have I got wrong? Any suggestions?
with just
The workbook is already implied from the way you defined wsTarget
. I suspect that will do it. If you run the code in the debugger, then when you do a "watch" on the variable you can see exactly what does and doesn't work..