I am new to jasmine
here is my src
file in which i create Auth
function Auth() {
Auth.prototype.isEmpty = function(str) {
return (!str || 0 === str.length);
Auth.prototype.Login = function (username , password) {
if (this.isEmpty(username) || this.isEmpty(password)) {
return "Username or Password cann't be blank ";
else {
return "Logged In !";
now i want to test jasmine's toHaveBeenCalled()
matcher . Here is what i write
it("should be able to Login", function () {
expect(authobj.Login('abc', 'abc')).toHaveBeenCalled();
but it says that undefined() method does not exist
EDIT: Look at basecode answer for a better approach
From the docs, you should use it like the following:
spyOn(foo, 'setBar');
it("tracks that the spy was called", function() {
So you should write:
it("should be able to Login", function () {
spyOn(authobj, 'isEmpty');
authobj.Login('abc', 'abc');