I am trying to future-proof the css in a zinnia-django blog using compass, susy, and sass. I have successfully copied my zinnia templates into /var/www/static/zinnia
by running python manage.py collectstatic
. Then I edit a sass file, cd
to /var/www/static/zinnia/
, and run compass compile
. This produces the following errors and causes my blog to not render with css anymore!
error sass/screen.scss (Line 27 of sass/partials/_layouts.scss: Mixin container takes 0 arguments but 2 were passed.) #from running compass compile in shell
On the top of my blog webpage appears the following in firefox:
Syntax error: Mixin container takes 0 arguments but 2 were passed.
on line 27 of /var/www/static/zinnia/sass/partials/_layouts.scss, in `container'
from line 27 of /var/www/static/zinnia/sass/partials/_layouts.scss
from line 20 of /var/www/static/zinnia/sass/screen.scss
Relevant zinnia code is visible on github. At present the code is a virtual mirror of the github repository. Here is line 27, where this error seems to be originating from.
Line 27 of _layouts.scss:
@include container($total-columns, $screen-layout);
As a clue I was able to learn this. However, I would prefer to use the latest gem versions available to me. I do not know if this compiles with older gems, but the answer to this piece of the puzzle is a bit tangential (though useful). Thus, I need an answer that will me to compile without errors.
Thank you for your help.
I ran into the same error, even with the order of importing compass before susy. What fixed it for me was uninstalling this no-longer-used gem: compass-susy-plugin.