I'm trying to integrate the Apache Felix FileInstall bundle inside my Eclipse project, but I'm absolutely desperate about how to configure it properly.
I've tried to find the correct answer for days now, and still didn't get the correct one.
I've downloaded the FileInstall jar and imported it into my project like a "Plug-In from existing Jar Archives".
The bundle works correctly, but I'm unnable to tell him what directory he must watch for new bundles to install and start. In resume, I just can't configure the bundle, and I'm starting to feel somehow stupid.
Please any tips would be appreciated.
You can specify the configuration properties as system properties while launching the OSGi container. Also have a look at answers to this question.
In Eclipse (using PDE) you can specify it in the Preferences -> Target Platform -> Edit -> Arguments -> VM Arguments -> -Dfelix.fileinstall.dir=/path/to/dir