I'm a newbie to Python and JSON as well. I installed twython to "speak" to the Twitter API. I use Python 2.7 on a mac.
I would like to get my mentions through the API. The program should identify the Twitter user who mentioned me.
I try:
t = Twython(...)
men = t.get_mentions_timeline()
The user is mentioned once, print men shows a lot of stuff like this:
[{u'contributors': None, u'truncated': False, u'text': .... u'Sun May 26 09:18:55 +0000 2013', u'in_reply_to_status_id_str': None, u'place': None}]
Somewhere in this stuff I see all the things I would like to extract from the response.
How can I extract the screen_name
I'm quite confused with json.dumps
or json.loads
- shall I work with json
or simplejson
You don't need to use json
(or simplejson
, which is the exact same library; it was renamed when bundled with Python); the Twython
library already decoded everything from JSON for you.
You got a list from the API, each entry is a dict
; each such dictionary is a Tweet. You can see what is contained in the Twitter API documentation. Loop over that list; some items are dictionaries or lists themselves:
for mention in men:
print mention['user']['screen_name']
if mention['contributors']:
print [con['screen_name'] for con in mention['contributors']]
To figure out the full structure, use pprint.pprint()
to print a structured version:
import pprint
which will make it easier for you to figure out what you can loop over, etc.