I have following problem: I have a JPanel named activeCenter in which I save different JPanels from time to time when using my program. In those JPanels are a bunch of JTextfields, JLabels and a JButton. Now I want to get the text of all the Textfields (amount is known). My problem is now: I use a for-loop to go through all the Components in the JPanel and check whether its a JTextfield or not. The problem here is, if it is a JTextField, how do I use the Method getText()? I only have the Component and dont know how to make use of the Methods from JTextField. Is there a way to fix this without having to save the JTextFields in an array? Here is the relevant code:
button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
for(Component c: activeCenter.getComponents())
if(c.getClass() == JTextField.class)
//use the Method getText() on c
You need to cast your c
object like this:
String text = null;
if (c instanceof JTextField) {
text = ((JTextField)c).getText();
Also note that you can use the instanceof
keyword for your if