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JSTL Bug in function endsWith?

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fn"%>

<c:set var="some" value="abcdef"/>
${fn:endsWith(some, 'ef')}

returns true

<c:set var="some" value="abcdefef"/>
${fn:endsWith(some, 'ef')}

returns false

It looks like the function endsWith checks the string from its begining instead of from its end. If the string from second argument appers in the first argument not only at the its end, then the function returns false.


  • yes, their is a bug in jstl

    public static boolean endsWith(String input, String substring)
            if (input == null)
                input = "";
            if (substring == null)
                substring = "";
            int index = input.indexOf(substring);
            if (index == -1)
                return false;
            if (index == 0 && substring.length() == 0)
                return true;
            return (index == input.length() - substring.length());

    it is using indexof instead of endsWith of String