This may seem like an obvious thing, but I can't find it. When using resizable, I want to save the new width of the image, but how do I access the ID attribute of the image that I have just resized? This is my code:
aspectRatio: true,
handles: "se",
stop: function(event, ui){
// Here I want to access the ID attribute
// of the img.article_image I am resizing
So, the ui object has ui.helper, which I can't use. I.e. ui.helper.attr("id") or $(ui.helper).attr("id") are both undefined. I can't use $(this).attr("id") either, but I CAN use $(this).width() to see the new width, so it's very odd.
What am I doing wrong? When using draggable() I seem to be able to access $(this) the correct way, but not with resizable... Any suggestions?
the ui parameter holds the resized element
stop: function(event, ui){