I am trying to use an ENUM for a form:select as such:
<form:select path="myEnum">
<form:options itemLabel="resourceBundleLabel" />
With an Enum that looks something like:
public enum MyEnum {
ONE("rb.one"), TWO("rb.two");
private MessageSource messageSource;
private String rbKey;
public String getResourceBundleLabel() {
HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes()).getRequest();
Locale locale = request.getLocale();
return messageSource.getMessage(this.rbKey, null, locale);
public MyEnum(String rbKey) {
this.rbKey = rbKey;
The problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to get the MessageSource injected. I tried adding @Component and @Autowired (got an error because there was no default constructor. I then tried switching @Component to @Configurable. Then I tried removing both annotation, and implementing MessageSourceAware. In all cases, the messageSource is null when I get inside the getResourceBundleLable().
Ultimately, what I am trying to accomplish is to build out the select options using an Enum, but make it such that is uses the proper Resource Bundle and local. Am I just wasting my time on something that is not feasible?
See my answer here for how to inject dependencies into enums with minimal plumbing.