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Fuzz test (framework) web application?

Are there frameworks that can perform fuzztesting on WebApplications? I know that Selenium and WebDriver are used to build tests for web-applications, but I am particulary interested in libraries, frameworks or projects that have fuzz-testing built-in, so I do not need to re-invent the wheel.

For example, I could benefit from these features:

  • randomized link clicking
  • randomized form filling
  • 'back' and 'forward' clicking
  • random mouse movement and clicking
  • javascript support

Does anyone know of project that implements these features? (preferably Java :))


  • I was curious about this as well since we use Selenium/Java here at my office, and did some digging of my own. I found a few links that may be useful to you:

    Fuzz Testing - IBM - I suspect you may have already found this link though.

    Monkey Fuzz Testing - I know, I know... it's .NET. BUT, it may give you some good ideas as to how to implement it on your end.

    Stephen Coldebourne's Blog - This was a great read; well worth your time.

    JBroFuzz - This is pretty awesome. That is all.