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Callgrind does not see source in dynamically loaded SO

I'm attempting to run KCacheGrind on some results of callgrind. Basically the codebase is a plugin container that launches a shared object to run a specific function. Upon using Callgrind to profile this application, I can see the costs at the function level, but not at the source level.

I can see at the source level with the plugin container code, before it launches the SO, but I can't see any code contained in the SO that was launched.

I know I'm compiling with debug symbols on, but for some reason I am unable to see the dynamically loaded SO source code.



  • I ran into this problem too. The way to fix it is to stop the host application from unloading the plugins before it exits. In my case I was trying to profile C modules for Lua and Lua was unloading the modules when the VM exited normally. To fix this issues I had the script call os.exit() to do a forced shutdown.

    Either disable plugin unloading in the plugin container, or create a plugin the allows you to force the application to exit (calling _exit(0)).