I'm having a problem with Commands in Grails when I extends one generic Command to reuse it's custom validator.
When I clean the grails project, it loses the reference to the extended custom validator. I need to cause a syntax error in CommandA with the project running and undo that error so it compiles back the command.
file: /src/groovy/app/commands/ImageCommand.groovy
class ImageCommand {
static imageValidator = { value, command ->
file: /src/groovy/app/commands/CommandA.groovy
class CommandA extends ImageCommand {
def file
static constraints = {
file nullable: true, blank: true, validator: imageValidator
To cause the error I just erase a part of the CommandA:
class CommandA extends ImageCommand {
def file
static constraints = {
file nullable: true, blank:
And undo it to force recompile:
class CommandA extends ImageCommand {
def file
static constraints = {
file nullable: true, blank: true, validator: imageValidator
What should I do? I can't move my CommandA to the Controller file because I use it in many places.
*Using Grails 2.2.2
You can try to move your validator to separate class in src\groovy
like this:
class PhoneNumberConstraint extends AbstractConstraint {
private static final String NAME = "phoneNumber";
private static final String DEFAULT_MESSAGE_CODE = "default.phoneNumber.invalid.message";
protected void processValidate(Object target, Object propertyValue, Errors errors) {
if (!isPhoneNumber(target, propertyValue)) {
Object[] args = [constraintPropertyName, constraintOwningClass, propertyValue]
rejectValue(target, errors, DEFAULT_MESSAGE_CODE, DEFAULT_MESSAGE_CODE, args);
private boolean isPhoneNumber(Object target, Object propertyValue) {
if(propertyValue instanceof String && ((String)propertyValue).isNumber() &&
(((String)propertyValue).length() == 13 || ((String)propertyValue).length() == 11)) {
return true
return false
boolean supports(Class type) {
return type != null && String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
String getName() {
return NAME
Then register your validator in resources.groovy
like this:
beans = {
ConstrainedProperty.registerNewConstraint(PhoneNumberConstraint.NAME, PhoneNumberConstraint.class);
It works for me flawlessly with commands.