I'm working on a user script, and I noticed that it worked when it was set up with TamperMonkey, but not when it was manually added to the Chrome extensions.
I wish I knew what it was due? What TamperMonkey has more to run my script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name Rainbow DDB
// @namespace Rainbow DDB
// @description Change la couleur du "!" lorsqu'une DDB est en cours.
// @include http://www.jeuxvideo.com/forums/3-*
// @include http://www.jeuxvideo.com/forums/1-*
// ==/UserScript==
$ = unsafeWindow.$;
var dates = document.querySelectorAll(".date");
function ddb(j) {
url = dates[j].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href;
function(data) {
if (data.indexOf("Signalement déjà fait") >= 0) {
dates[j].querySelector("a img").src = "http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/17/1367080939-14agd2.png";
} else if (data.indexOf("Vous êtes à l'origine") >= 0) {
dates[j].querySelector("a img").src = "http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/17/1367081255-14aig2.png";
} else if (data.indexOf("effectué un boost") >= 0) {
dates[j].querySelector("a img").src = "http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/17/1367073914-149xe2.png";
} else if (data.indexOf("Autosignalement déjà effectué") >= 0) {
dates[j].querySelector("a img").src = "http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/17/1367082905-14atu2.png";
while (i<dates.length) {
As you can see it is a very simple script. Is $.get a problem ? I tried without the $ = unsafeWindow.$; but it does not work neither.
Tampermonkey supports a proper unsafeWindow
, while Chrome userscripts have a stripped-down, mostly useless, object by that name. See "Why is window (and unsafeWindow) not the same from a userscript as from a tag?".
I recommend just supporting Tampermonkey and not bothering with straight Chrome userscripts. This offers several advantages:
Almost complete support for the powerful Greasemonkey API.
This means that almost all Greasemonkey scripts will work, as-is, in Tampermonkey and there are a lot of pre-built scripts out there.
It's vastly easier to install, create, edit, update and maintain Tampermonkey scripts. Especially, now that Chrome has its "Install from our $tore, or else!" policy for userscripts and full-fledged extensions.
Automatic and easy synching between machines if you use Chrome's synching features.
If you insist on supporting naked Chrome, you will have to inject the code. Like so:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Rainbow DDB
// @namespace Rainbow DDB
// @description Change la couleur du "!" lorsqu'une DDB est en cours.
// @include http://www.jeuxvideo.com/forums/3-*
// @include http://www.jeuxvideo.com/forums/1-*
// ==/UserScript==
function GM_scriptMain ($) {
var dates = document.querySelectorAll (".date");
var urlBase = "http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/17/";
function ddb (j) {
var url = dates[j].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href;
$.get (
url, function (data) {
if (data.indexOf("Signalement déjà fait") >= 0) {
dates[j].querySelector("a img").src = urlBase + "1367080939-14agd2.png";
} else if (data.indexOf("Vous êtes à l'origine") >= 0) {
dates[j].querySelector("a img").src = urlBase + "1367081255-14aig2.png";
} else if (data.indexOf("effectué un boost") >= 0) {
dates[j].querySelector("a img").src = urlBase + "1367073914-149xe2.png";
} else if (data.indexOf("Autosignalement déjà effectué") >= 0) {
dates[j].querySelector("a img").src = urlBase + "1367082905-14atu2.png";
} );
for (var k = 0, L = dates.length; k < L; ++k) {
ddb (k);
withPages_jQuery (GM_scriptMain);
function withPages_jQuery (NAMED_FunctionToRun) {
//--- Use named functions for clarity and debugging...
var funcText = NAMED_FunctionToRun.toString ();
var funcName = funcText.replace (/^function\s+(\w+)\s*\((.|\n|\r)+$/, "$1");
var script = document.createElement ("script");
script.textContent = funcText + "\n\n";
script.textContent += 'jQuery(document).ready(function() {'+funcName+'(jQuery);});';
document.body.appendChild (script);