EDIT 3 Problem below exists for Coldfusion 9.0, updating to 9.0.1 does indeed fix this
I have an application that is using SerializeJSON to encode query results:
#SerializeJSON('Ok works fine')#
Unfortunately it trims the trailing zeroes from numbers:
manually if i was to make the same value a string, same thing occurs
How can I prevent this from happening?
EDIT - my scenario specifics
Database (Oracle) has these example values stored on a row
When I query using Coldfusion 9.0.1 (cfscript if it matters) , here is an RC dump, notice the id string retains leading zeroes, but the number column has removed trailing zero. While that is interesting, it doesnt matter to the Original issue as i can create a query manually to retain that trailing zero like below, it still gets lost in the serializeJSON
I take the query results, and encode the values using serializeJSON. The JSON is consumed by jquery Datatables ajax. Notice the id string has become a number, and has added the '.0' as Miguel-F mentioned
rc.sql = q.setsql;
rc.qResult = q.execute().getresult();
savecontent variable="rc.aaData" {
for (i=1; i <= rc.qResult.RecordCount; i++) {
for (col=1; col <= iColumnsLen; col++) {
// the following line contains a conditional specific to this example
//former statement, discarded due to not being able to handle apostrophe's ... writeOutput('"#jsStringFormat(rc.qResult[aColumns[col]][i])#"');
writeOutput((col NEQ iColumnsLen) ? ',' : '');
writeOutput((i NEQ rc.qResult.RecordCount) ? ',' : '');
I was oringially using jsStringFormat instead of serializeJSON, but this would return invalid JSON due to the comments text area containing apostrophe's ect
"sEcho": 1,
"iTotalRecords": 65970,
"iTotalDisplayRecords": 7657,
"aaData": [
"nd_event_id": 525,
"benefactor_id": 729789.0,
"seq_number": 182163,
"life_gift_credit_amt": 12345.5,
"qty_requested": 2,
"b_a_comment": "#swap",
"pref_mail_name": "Jay P. Rizzi"
a quick sidenote, if i change my serialization line to
writeOutput('"#aColumns[col]#": "#SerializeJSON(rc.qResult[aColumns[col]][i])#"');
then my result set changes to placing records in double quoting , but also double double quotes strings, while still removing the trailing zero; It leads me to believe serializeJSON is casting the value as a type?
"aaData": [
"nd_event_id": "525",
"benefactor_id": "729789.0",
"seq_number": "182163",
"life_gift_credit_amt": "12345.5",
"qty_requested": "2",
"b_a_comment": ""#swap"",
"pref_mail_name": ""JayP.Rizzi""
Taken from the comments
The original poster (OP) of this question initially reported that they were having this issue with ColdFusion 9.0.1. As it turned out they were actually running ColdFusion 9.0.0. This is significant because Adobe had made changes to how the SerializeJSON()
function treats numbers in version 9.0.1. When the server was upgraded to version 9.0.1 these issues were resolved.
This blog post by Raymond Camden discusses the changes made in 9.0.1 - Not happy with the CF901 JSON Changes?
In that blog post he references bug 83638 that had been entered and then fixed in HotFix 1 for version 9.0.1 - Cumulative Hotfix 1 (CHF1) for ColdFusion 9.0.1
If you search the BugBase for JSON under version 9.0.1 there are several reporting the same issue as the OP.
Those reported bugs also mentioned another issue that the OP had not initially reported, that a .0
was being appended to integers as well. Later in the discussion the OP confirmed that they too were seeing this behavior. This lead them to verify the ColdFusion version being utilized and found that it was not 9.0.1.