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jqgrid undefined integer? pager not loading

IM using jqgrids on mvc4, I need to get a simple list and display it using Ajax.

When I load the page then grid starts an Ajax call, I have only 2 columns on grid, user_id and name.

When the Json is loaded I get the next error on Google chrome:

Uncaught Typesetter: Cannot read property 'integer' of undefined

and in firefox, firebug:

TypeError: b.jgrid.formatter is undefined

on jquery.jqGrid.src.js:122

And the grid shows an "undefined" msg, also, the current pageer control isnt loading, but the data is

 <table id="GridUsuarios"></table>
    <div id="PagerUsuarios"></div>

  <script type="text/javascript"> 
        $(document).ready(function() {
                url: '@Url.Action("UsuariosGridData","Usuarios")',
                datatype: "json",
                myType: 'GET',
                contentType: "application/json; charset-utf-8",                
                colNames: ['Usuario', 'Nombre'],
                colModel: [
                    { name: 'user_id', index: 'user_id', width: 90},
                    { name: 'nombre', index: 'nombre', width: 200}
                pager: '#PagerUsuarios',
                rowNum: 10,
                rowList: [10, 20, 30],
                viewrecords: true,
                height: 'auto',
                sortname: 'nombre',
                sortorder: 'desc',
                caption: "Usuarios",
                jsonReader: {
                    root: "rows",
                    total: "total",
                    page: "page",
                    records: "records",
                    repeatitems: false,
                    id: "user_id"

and my controller:

    public JsonResult UsuariosGridData(string sidx = "" , string sord = "", int page = 1, int rows = 10)
        var resultado = db_hms.Users//.OrderByDescending(ur => ur.id_user)
                        .Join(db_hms.v_natural_person_short, ur => ur.id_employee, np => np.id_natural_person, (ur, np) => new { Users = ur, Natural_Person = np })//cambiar el idUser por idEmployee la relacion es alrevez XD                            
                        .Select(s => new { user_id = s.Users.id_user, nombre = s.Natural_Person.name_full })

        int vpage = page;
        int vrows = rows;  
        int counter = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)resultado.Count() / (float)vrows);            
        switch (sidx)
            case "nombre":
                            if(sord == "desc")
                                resultado = resultado.OrderByDescending(s => s.nombre).Skip(vrows * vpage).Take(vrows).ToList();
                                resultado = resultado.OrderBy(s => s.nombre).Skip(vrows * vpage).Take(vrows).ToList(); ;
            case "user_id":
                            if(sord == "desc")
                                resultado = resultado.OrderByDescending(s => s.user_id).Skip(vrows * vpage).Take(vrows).ToList();
                                resultado = resultado.OrderByDescending(s => s.user_id).Skip(vrows * vpage).Take(vrows).ToList();
        var retornar = new
            total = counter,
            page = vpage,
            records = vrows,
            rows = resultado

        return Json(retornar, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


and a small json example:

 "rows":[{"user_id":"titito","nombre":"EL bonito, tito "},
        {"user_id":"noro","nombre":"ElMoro, Noro "},
        {"user_id":"maka","nombre":"Martinez, Macanencio "}]}


  • One get the error message typically if one don't included required language file grid.locale-XX.js (for example grid.locale-en.js) before jquery.jqGrid.min.js or jquery.jqGrid.src.js. See the example of the usage of jqGrid in the documentation.

    Additionally I would recommend you to add gridview: true and autoencode: true option to jqGrid, remove non-existing myType: 'GET' (there are mtype option which default value if "GET"), reduce jsonReader to jsonReader: {repeatitems: false, id: "user_id"}, remove all index properties from colModel (because you use the values the same as the value of name property) and add key: true to definition of 'user_id' column.

    Because you don't implemented server side paging of data I would recommend you add additionally loadonce: true option. It allows you to return all data at once from UsuariosGridData and jqGrid will implement client side sorting, paging or optionally filtering/searching of data.