I am using the Tumblr API to create a news feed on my site. Currently, for each post the API returns:
<div class="posttitle">TITLE</div>
<div class="postbody">content</div>
To make styling easier, I want to wrap these in a div, so I wrote:
$('#newsbox > .posttitle').each(function(){
$(this).next('.postbody').andSelf().wrapAll('<div class="tumblrpost"/>');
However, I cannot get this to work. Could this be because the Tumblr posts are dynamically created and are not part of the DOM first off, when the JQuery runs?
I have positioned the above script after the API script, but no difference.
Would anyone know the correct way of achieving this wrap?
An updated fiddle with the correct code is now available there: http://jsfiddle.net/tgAUJ/1/ .
What I have done is simply put your code in the results function after the while. I have also corrected the while so that, if you have less than 5 entries being returned (unlikely but possible), it will not bug out. Mod is as follows:
if (!results.response.posts[i]) break;
Note that you'll have to put your private key back in.