I use SDL and libav in C++ to draw a video on the screen in Linux. Most of my code for video opening is based on this tutorial, but I changed some functions that were deprecated. I initialize SDL like this:
const SDL_VideoInfo * info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(info->current_w, info->current_h, 0, SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_FULLSCREEN);
I am not going to post the whole code since it is pretty big, but the following shows how I try to display a video overlay. Note that some variables are classmembers from my Video class, like formatCtx
and packet
void Video::GetOverlay(SDL_Overlay * overlay) {
int frameFinished;
while (av_read_frame(formatCtx, &packet) >= 0) {
if (packet.stream_index == videoStream) {
avcodec_decode_video2(codecCtx, frame, &frameFinished, &packet);
if (frameFinished) {
AVPicture pict;
pict.data[0] = overlay->pixels[0];
pict.data[1] = overlay->pixels[2];
pict.data[2] = overlay->pixels[1];
pict.linesize[0] = overlay->pitches[0];
pict.linesize[1] = overlay->pitches[2];
pict.linesize[2] = overlay->pitches[1];
SwsContext * ctx = sws_getContext (codecCtx->width, codecCtx->height, codecCtx->pix_fmt,
codecCtx->width, codecCtx->height, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL);
sws_scale(ctx, frame->data, frame->linesize, 0, codecCtx->height, pict.data, pict.linesize);
And then in my mainloop:
SDL_Overlay * overlay = SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(video->GetWidth(), video->GetHeight(), SDL_YV12_OVERLAY, screen);
while (true) {
SDL_Rect rect = { 400, 200, video->GetWidth(), video->GetHeight() };
SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(overlay, &rect);
This works, the video plays but it flickers a lot. Like it tries to draw an image on the same place each frame. When I remove the call to SDL_Flip(screen)
the video plays fine. Too fast, I haven't worked videotiming out yet, but when I add a temporary SDL_Delay(10)
it looks pretty good.
But when I remove SDL_Flip
to show my video, I can't draw anything else on the screen. Both SDL_BlitSurface
and SDL_FillRect
fail to draw anything on the screen. I already tried to add SDL_DOUBLEBUF
to the flags, but this did not change the situation.
I can provide more code if that is needed, but I think the problem is somewhere in the code that I have posted, since everything else is working fine (drawing images, or displaying a video without SDL_Flip
What am I doing wrong?
I still think this isn't the best solution, but I found something that works!
The command SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0);
will update the whole screen. If I only update the parts of the screen where no video is drawn, the video won't flicker anymore. I think it might have something to do with SDL_Overlays being handled differently than normal surfaces.