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hg abort: cannot refresh immutable revision

I'm using hg with the mq extension installed (I do not have the rebase extension to the best of my knowledge)

After making a few changes and doing a few qdiffs, qrefs I am suddenly faced with this error, I am not sure how or why it occured, but I'd like to be able to qref again and get rid of this error or atleast extract all my work from the given repo.


hg qref

abort: cannot refresh immutable revision
(see "hg help phases" for details)


hg qseries

0 A bug-822459-fix


hg status

M templates/testEmptyTest.js
M templates/testModalDialog.js
M templates/testPreferencesDialog.js
M templates/testSharedModules.js

and a whole lot of other untracked files ( files with a ? infront of them)


  • hg phase -fd qbase:qtip helps. See also

    I have this in my ~/.hgrc:

    publish = False