I am trying to execute a SQL select statement to retrieve my id, then increment the id. I can select from the database just fine. But when I try to convert the string to a int, I get the error of format exception was caught
Input string was not in a correct format.
Here is my code:
var sql = new SQL_Statements();
var string_sql_id ="";
var string_sql_select = "select * from is_inventory where id =(select max(id) from is_inventory)";
var sql_ds = sql.SelectFromDB(string_sql_select);
int DataIndex;
if (sql_ds.Tables["CurData"].Rows.Count > 0)
for (DataIndex = 0; DataIndex <= sql_ds.Tables["CurData"].Rows.Count - 1; DataIndex++)
string_sql_id ="CurData";
var int_sql_id = Convert.ToInt32(string_sql_id);
On the second to last line of code is where it throws the exception. I have tried to change the convert to something else like double, but that didn't work either. Thanks in advance for the help.
in the line immediately before you're convert line, you set string_sql_id ="CurData";
. "CurData" is not an integer, and attempting to convert it to one will not work.
try this instead;
string_sql_id = (sql_ds.Tables["CurData"].Rows[DataIndex]["id"]).ToString();