I need to create paging in datagridview and I was found a demo in programCall.com successfully and that’s link ProgramCall.com
Below is screen shot of downloaded demo Form:-
Now I update this downloaded code and add a check box column in zeroth (0) index of datagridview:-
Below screen shot is update.
Here is my question; when I have checked a checkbox in first page and after that move to Second page to perform any task after returning in first page the my checked checkboxes is unchecked, I want to maintain its checked status so any property or method is there to maintain datagridview checkbox checked status or else.
Below I am giving you my updated code:-
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Globalization;
namespace DatagridviewPagination
public partial class Form1 : Form
private int CurrentPage = 1;
int PagesCount = 1;
int pageRows = 10;
BindingList<Employee> Baselist = null;
BindingList<Employee> Templist = null;
public Form1()
DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn CheckboxColumn = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
CheckboxColumn.TrueValue = true;
dataGridView1.Columns[0].HeaderText = "Select";
dataGridView1.Columns[0].Width = 50;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Baselist = FillDataforGrid();
PagesCount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Baselist.Count * 1.0 / pageRows));
CurrentPage = 1;
//Method to generate temporary data
private BindingList<Employee> FillDataforGrid()
BindingList<Employee> list = new BindingList<Employee>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
Employee obj = new Employee(i, "ProgramCall.com" + i.ToString(), "Finance" + i.ToString());
return list;
private void RebindGridForPageChange()
//Rebinding the Datagridview with data
int datasourcestartIndex = (CurrentPage - 1) * pageRows;
Templist = new BindingList<Employee>();
for (int i = datasourcestartIndex; i < datasourcestartIndex + pageRows; i++)
if (i >= Baselist.Count)
dataGridView1.DataSource = Templist;
//Method that handles the pagination button clicks
private void ToolStripButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
ToolStripButton ToolStripButton = ((ToolStripButton)sender);
//Determining the current page
if (ToolStripButton == btnBackward)
else if (ToolStripButton == btnForward)
else if (ToolStripButton == btnLast)
CurrentPage = PagesCount;
else if (ToolStripButton == btnFirst)
CurrentPage = 1;
CurrentPage = Convert.ToInt32(ToolStripButton.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (CurrentPage < 1)
CurrentPage = 1;
else if (CurrentPage > PagesCount)
CurrentPage = PagesCount;
//Rebind the Datagridview with the data.
//Change the pagiantions buttons according to page number
catch (Exception) { }
private void RefreshPagination()
ToolStripButton[] items = new ToolStripButton[] { toolStripButton1, toolStripButton2, toolStripButton3, toolStripButton4, toolStripButton5 };
//pageStartIndex contains the first button number of pagination.
int pageStartIndex = 1;
if (PagesCount > 5 && CurrentPage > 2)
pageStartIndex = CurrentPage - 2;
if (PagesCount > 5 && CurrentPage > PagesCount - 2)
pageStartIndex = PagesCount - 4;
for (int i = pageStartIndex; i < pageStartIndex + 5; i++)
if (i > PagesCount)
items[i - pageStartIndex].Visible = false;
//Changing the page numbers
items[i - pageStartIndex].Text = i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
//Setting the Appearance of the page number buttons
if (i == CurrentPage)
items[i - pageStartIndex].BackColor = Color.Black;
items[i - pageStartIndex].ForeColor = Color.White;
items[i - pageStartIndex].BackColor = Color.White;
items[i - pageStartIndex].ForeColor = Color.Black;
//Enabling or Disalbing pagination first, last, previous , next buttons
if (CurrentPage == 1)
btnBackward.Enabled = btnFirst.Enabled = false;
btnBackward.Enabled = btnFirst.Enabled = true;
if (CurrentPage == PagesCount)
btnForward.Enabled = btnLast.Enabled = false;
btnForward.Enabled = btnLast.Enabled = true;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace DatagridviewPagination
class Employee
public Employee(int empid, string empname, string empdept)
this.empId = empid;
this.empName = empname;
this.empDept = empdept;
private int empId;
public int Empid
get { return empId; }
set { empId = value; }
private string empName;
public string EmpName
get { return empName; }
set { empName = value; }
private string empDept;
public string EmpDept
get { return empDept; }
set { empDept = value; }
Thank You in Advanced!
Its happening because the checkbox column is dynamic and not linked to a property in the Model. So the change is not persisted across pages.
The employee class must have a property, say bool Checked
. I think the datagrid will automatically create a checkbox column for this. If not, the checkbox column should be bound to this property.
Use DataGridViewColumn.DataPropertyName Property to link the column to a model property.