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polymorphic association with formtastic and mongo

I'm trying to create a relationship between two models in rails.

I have a Product and an Offer where an Offer belongs to a Product.

class Product
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Timestamps

    has_many :offers, as: :trigger_product, :class_name => "Offer"


class Offer
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Timestamps

    belongs_to :trigger_product, polymorphic: true
    accepts_nested_attributes_for :images, :product

in formtastic, the field for the trigger product is added as so

 <%= f.input :trigger_product, :as=> :select, :multiple => false, :collection => @offer.trigger_products_list %>

when I submit the form, I get an error

NameError in Admin::OffersController#create

uninitialized constant TriggerProduct

app/controllers/admin/Offers_controller.rb:7:in `create'

It appears to me the polymorphic association isn't working, I don't think I should need to create an empty model to hold the TriggerProduct, but the error leads me to believe this is the issue.

Any suggestions here?


  • Turns out this had to do with a the relationship needing to know of a product_type value, as product is a parent of many product types.

    No way anybody here at SO would have gotten that and the Rails error didn't point in the right direction.

    If somebody knows how I might have debugged that maybe a way to output all the required fields a relationship is expecting, I'll give you the points.