I seem to have set up something wrong in the action listener for the Create Button handler. When I tried to get the value of the text field nameTF I get a null pointer error. I tried to imitate your code for the calculator, and the Exit Button Handler works well. I know that pressing the Create button invokes the handler but the statement
inName = nameTF.getText();
gives the error message.
The complete text of the listener is
private class CreateButtonHandler
implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
String inName, inType; //local variables
int inAge;
Dog arf;
inName = nameTF.getText();
inType = typeTF.getText();
inAge = Integer.parseInt( ageTF.getText() );
//System.out.println("Inside CreateButtonHandler");
arf = new Dog(inName, inType, inAge);
System.out.println(arf.toString () );
and the whole program is below. Any help/explanation/suggestion would be very welcome.
import javax.swing.*; // import statement for the GUI components
import java.awt.*; //import statement for container class
import java.awt.event.*;
public class DogGUI //creation of DogGUI clas
private JLabel nameL, typeL, ageL, outtputL;
private JTextField nameTF, typeTF, ageTF;
private JButton createB, exitB;
CreateButtonHandler cbHandler;
ExitButtonHandler ebHandler;
public void driver () //creates everything
//create the window
JFrame DogInfo = new JFrame ("Dog GUI");
DogInfo.setSize(400,300); //set the pixels for GUI
DogInfo.setVisible(true); // set visibility to true
DogInfo.setDefaultCloseOperation(DogInfo.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // when closed JFrame will disappear
Container DogFields = DogInfo.getContentPane();
DogFields.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,2));
// setting labels for GUI
nameL = new JLabel ("Enter name of Dog: ",
typeL = new JLabel ("Enter the type of the Dog: ",
ageL = new JLabel ("Enter the age of the Dog: ",
outtputL = new JLabel ("Dog Information: ",
JButton createB, exitB; //creating button for creation of Dog and button to exit
createB = new JButton("Create Dog");
exitB = new JButton("Exit");
//text fields
JTextField nameTF, typeTF, ageTF, outtputTF;
nameTF = new JTextField(10);
typeTF = new JTextField(15);
ageTF = new JTextField(5);
outtputTF = new JTextField(25);
outtputTF.setEditable(false); //this TF is to display this output
//Lables and Textfields
//Instantiate Listeners
cbHandler = new CreateButtonHandler();
ebHandler = new ExitButtonHandler();
//Register Listeners
//run the program from main, instantiate class, invoke driver() method
public static void main(String[] args)
DogGUI d = new DogGUI();
// class to actually handle Dog creation
private class CreateButtonHandler
implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
String inName, inType; //local variables
int inAge;
Dog arf;
inName = nameTF.getText();
inType = typeTF.getText();
inAge = Integer.parseInt( ageTF.getText() );
//System.out.println("Inside CreateButtonHandler");
arf = new Dog(inName, inType, inAge);
System.out.println(arf.toString () );
private class ExitButtonHandler
implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
System.out.println("inside exit button");
} // end method actionPerformed
You have a local variable in the driver()
method called nameTF
that is hiding that field (same for some other variables).
JTextField nameTF, typeTF, ageTF, outtputTF;
nameTF = new JTextField(10);
Remove the declaration of those fields since they are already declared as instance fields.
private JTextField nameTF, typeTF, ageTF;
(probably not outtputTF
, depending on what you want to do)