From what I understand, since the Service Variable being shared is an object, the object that gets loaded to the service by controller 1 should be plainly seen by controller2 without the need for $watches or listeners or anything. Am I wrong? How can I get this to work?
I have fixed your plunk:
Your service has an object which you put into a model on your $scope ($scope.item). So far so good. However, you then update your service object with a new object reference ($scope.thisObject) so that $scope.item and myService.myObject are now referencing to completely different objects.
You should only update object properties. See the plunk for details.
So instead of writing:
var service = {
changeProperty: function(newProperty){
this.myObject = newProperty;
return service;
You should use:
var service = {
changeProperty: function(newProperty){
this.myObject.text = newProperty.text;
return service;
Hope that helps.