I am using knockout js and twitter-bootstrap.mvc4....
I am not able to combine those two to specify the customer data binding attributes
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Id, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "data-bind", "value: SupplierName" } })
but how to do it in bootstrap
@Html.Bootstrap().TextBoxFor( m=> m.Id).... ????
the textboxfor in bootstrap takes just one parameter. is there any other way to specify it?
I'm assuming this is the project you're using since I can't find an exact match to "twitter-bootstrap.mvc4" or "twitterbootstrap.mvc". (When referencing a third-party library you're using, provide a source link in case not everyone is familiar with it.)
Looking at the source code, it does indeed only take one parameter, so basically, you're SOL. It is open source, though, so there's nothing stopping you from forking it and creating your own version or even contributing directly to this project (just create a new ticket and submit a patch).
FWIW, you're killing yourself with the new Dictionary<string, object>
jazz. Just do:
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Id, new { data_bind = "value: SupplierName" })