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Whats a simple way to get a text input Alertdialog box on an Android

I want to get the password. A simple text input dialog box. Any simple way to do this?

In iPhone it creates like this.

style : Ti.UI.iphone.AlertDialogStyle.SECURE_TEXT_INPUT

But in android how can I do thi??


  • Currently Appcelerator does not provide such facility. But you can do it in a simple way by using a view, textField and button as follows

    var vwAlert = Ti.UI.createView({
        backgroundColor : '#311919',
        width       : '90%',
        height      : '40%',
        layout      : 'vertical',
        borderRadius: 5
    var lblMessage = Ti.UI.createLabel({
        text        : 'Alert',
        top         : 10,
        color       : 'white',
        font        : {fontWeight : 'bold', fontSize : '16'}
    var textField = Ti.UI.createTextField({
        width       :  '90%',
        top         :  '20',
            passwordMask: true,
        hintText    : 'Enter your text here',
        borderStyle     : Ti.UI.INPUT_BORDERSTYLE_ROUNDED,
        returnKeyType   : Ti.UI.RETURNKEY_RETURN,
        maxLength       : 70
    var btnOK = Ti.UI.createButton({
        title   : 'OK',
        width   : '43%',
        top     : '25',
        font    : {fontWeight : 'bold', fontSize : '16'}

    The above view will look like an alert dialog box since it's customized one. This will do the trick :)