My struts 2 tile application was working fine. But after adding the struts2-jquery-plugin library jar, I am getting the following error:
"SEVERE: Exception starting filter struts2 Unable to load configuration. - [unknown location]"
My libraries structure is:
I am unable to find the jars/classes which are getting conflict.
And I want to know what is the best way to overcome such conflict.
The conflicts are coming from using a version of the jQuery plugin that doesn't work with the version of S2 you're using. 3.5.1 of the s2 jQuery plugin requires S2 2.3.8, as its POM shows (in struts2-jquery
, the plugin's parent project).
You cannot arbitrarily mix-and-match versions of libraries; you must respect dependencies unless you are certain they're compatible. It's why we have tools like Maven.
One way to highlight possible conflicts is to use mvn dependency:tree
and see where there are multiple versions of the same library.