I have a string (partly HTML) where I want to replace the string :-)
into bbcode :wink:
. But this replacement should not happen within <pre>
, but in any other tag (or even not within a tag).
For example, I want to replace
I already tried it with the following RegEx, but it does not work (nothing gets replaced):
var s = ':-)<pre>:-)</pre><blockquote>:-)</blockquote>';
var regex = /:\-\)(?!(^<pre>).*<\/pre>)/g;
var r = s.replace(regex, ':wink:');
Can someone please help me? :-)
This ought to do it:-
var src = ":-)<pre>:-)</pre><blockquote>:-)</blockquote>"
var result = src.replace(/(<pre>(?:[^<](?!\/pre))*<\/pre>)|(\:\-\))/gi, fnCallback)
function fnCallback(s)
if (s == ":-)") return ":wink:"
return s;
It works because any pre
element will get picked up by the first option in the regex and once consumed means that any contained :-) can't be matched since the processor will have moved beyond it.