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Download file on row click, in extjs4

i have a grid panel with a column that if you click you downalod a file associate to this row. In extjs 2 i just define a new renderer that is a function who return only return the String format of an url like this:

function DownaloadFile(value, metadata, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store)
if ({

     return String.format('<b><a href="<c:url value='/fileDownload.action?id={0}'/>" title="<fmt:message key=''/>"><img src="<c:url value="/icons/icon_download.gif"/>"/></a></b>',;

This syntax is not rigth in ExtJS4.2 because String.format is now Ext.String.format but when i made this change nothig happens.

I try to use the new actioncolumn in the column definition in this way:

                        text: "download", 
                        items: [{
                                sortable: false, 
                                iconCls: 'download_icon',
                                hrefTarget: '_blank',
                                handler: function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex) {
                                    var rec = reportPanel.getStore().getAt(rowIndex);
                                    return Ext.String.format('<b><a href="<c:url value='/fileDownload.action?id={0}'/>" title="download.tooltip"></a></b>',;

but something is wrong because javascript debugger doesn't made any type of error. Thanks in advance.


  • The handler property of actioncolumn (witch renders an icon, or a series of icons in a grid cell, and offers a scoped click handler for each icon) is documented as:

    A function called when the icon is clicked.

    Consider using the templatecolumn (witch renders a value by processing a Model's data using a configured XTemplate) instead and passing it a tpl property.