(1) I’ve got an project and I want to use the integrated slider from Foundation 4 (Orbit). My problem is, that I only want to initialize the slider (or to start the plugin) when the browser have a specific orientation. So for my problem I need an method to start or to initialize the plugin myself.
I tried something like this:
$(document).foundation('orbit', 'start‘);
But first it starts right from the beginning of page loading and second it doesn’t start with the code line I showed you.
(2) Just one more question: On top of the question above, can I load Orbit content Slides with Ajax or do I need another solution for this? I think I need something like reinitializing-function of the slider?
I only want to initialize the slider (or to start the plugin) when the browser have a specific orientation
You need to do something like this:
if (screen.innerWidth > screen.innerHeight) {
// start orbit when the device is on a landscape mode
can I load Orbit content Slides with Ajax
Sure you can, just reinitialize orbit after you added your content. Something like:
$("#yourSlider").append('<li><img src="url_of_the_image" /></li>');