I'm using Koken and would like to customize the template for text entries by putting the date at the top of the entry.
I hacked a call to new Date()
into the core template file /admin/templates/text.tmpl.html
<div id="entry-editor">
<div id="edit-area" data-bind="html: content() ||
'<p class=\'date\'>' + new Date() + '</p>
<p class=\'media-row\'><br /></p>'">
</div> <!-- close #entry-editor -->
This works fine, but I know the perils of hacking core files.
As of this writing, I don't see an answer on the page linked as "define your own custom template types" on help.koken.me.
Without hacking core files, how can I have Koken add a date to the top of each text entry?
From http://help.koken.me/customer/portal/questions/1080677-how-to-make-custom-templates-in-koken-
Simply place a <koken:time>
tag in the customized theme template.
For example, in my /storage/themes/<custom-theme-name>/essay.lens
<koken:link>{{ essay.title }}</koken:link>
<strong><koken:time show="time" /> <koken:time show="date" /></strong>