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Guile and Emacs?

I'm learning Emacs Lisp and I came across this decade old post saying that at some point Guile (Scheme) will replace Emacs Lisp, or Emacs will be rewritten with Guile.

I was wondering if this is still a possibility, and if developers should be trying to write Elisp with this in mind? The original goal was for Guile to be backwards compatible with Elisp, but it seems like developing Scheme is the better choice.


  • guile and emacs, again - updated Emacs src, using non-hacked Guile, 23 Aug 2009

    PS: I was noticing recently that my first commit to the Emacs source tree relating to this project was on 1999-08-28, just shy of ten years ago. I'm not sure if I should celebrate or be depressed on Friday.