When a single property contains semicolons, MSBuild automatically parse the property into a list of properties when used within an itemgroup. Here's a snippet from my project:
<ConnectionString>workstation id=.;packet size=4096;Integrated Security=SSPI;data source=.;initial catalog=$(SqlDbName)</ConnectionString>
<InstallShieldProperties Include="
When a task consumes the @(InstallShieldProperties) itemgroup, MSBuild will parse the ConnectionString property into a list of subset properties since it contains semicolons.
foreach (string property in Properties)
// Properties array parsed to pieces
I know I can change the delimiter of the itemgroup, but that won't make any difference. I'm trying to avoid manipulating the string[] array within the custom task.
AFAICS, you can either escape the semicolon in the $(ConnectionString) property like:
<ConnectionString>workstation id=.%3Bpacket size=4096%3B.."</ConnectionString>
Or use some task to replace the ';' in the ConnectionString property to '%3B' and then use that property in InstallShieldProperties item.
The other way could be to change the property type in the custom task from string[] to string, and then split it yourself, the way you want it. You could use enclosing quotes to separate Connection string part from other key/value pairs.
Or if it makes sense for your custom task, then maybe connection string is a special enough property to have as a separate task property.