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Access function arguments from another function

I am trying to create a custom debug tool and I need to use a component with two separate functions in it. The first function (startTimer) has some arguments such as startCount and the other one (endTimer) has endCount. What I am trying to accomplish is something like the following code:

<cffunction name="startTimer" access="public" returntype="void">
    <cfargument name="startActionTime" type="string" required="no">

<cffunction name="endTimer" returntype="void" access="public">
    <cfargument name="endActionTime" type="string" required="no">

    <cfset finalTime = endActionTime - startTimer.startActionTime>

    <!---Some SQL will go here to record the data in a db table --->


And this is how I am calling the function

    location = CreateObject("component","timer");

    loc =location.startTimer(
        startActionTime = getTickCount()

    end = location.endTimer(
        endActionTime = getTickCount()


I guess I am having scope issues because when I am trying to run the code I am getting an undefined error on startTimer.startActionTime. What is the correct way to do something like this?


  • You can use the variables scope like so:

      <cfset variables.startActionTime = 0>
      <cffunction name="startTimer" access="public" returntype="void">
        <cfargument name="startActionTime" type="numeric" required="no">
        <cfset variables.startActionTime = arguments.startActionTime>
      <cffunction name="endTimer" returntype="string" access="public">
        <cfargument name="endActionTime" type="numeric" required="no">
        <cfset finalTime = endActionTime - variables.startActionTime>
        <!---Some SQL will go here to record the data in a db table --->
        <Cfreturn finaltime>

    From the Adobe Docs: Variables scope variables created in a CFC are available only to the component and its functions, and not to the page that instantiates the component or calls its functions.