SystemVerilog Assertion properties can be built with implication operators |=>
and sequences ##1
For example :
property P1;
@(posedge clk)
A ##1 B |=> C ##1 D;
Above we have used A ##1 B
as an enabling sequence (antecedent) and C ##1 D
as the fulfilling sequence (consequent).
I do not see why it could not be rewritten as :
property P2;
@(posedge clk)
A ##1 B ##1 C ##1 D;
When and why would you choose implication |=>
over a sequence ##1
The above properties are the same for the sequence passing, however the failure conditions do not match.
If they are all 1's then A ##1 B ##1 C ##1 D;
and A ##1 B |=> C ##1 D;
are true.
If we have A as 1 then the rest 0's:
A ##1 B ##1 C ##1 D;
fails and A ##1 B |=> C ##1 D;
would pass.
The latter is not considered a failure due to the conditions of the enabling sequence not being met.