I have a SREC file which is a simple text file and I want to read it line by line in verilog. How can I do that?
The following reads through a file, 1 line per clock cycle: expected data format is one decimal number per line.
integer data_file ; // file handler
integer scan_file ; // file handler
logic signed [21:0] captured_data;
`define NULL 0
initial begin
data_file = $fopen("data_file.dat", "r");
if (data_file == `NULL) begin
$display("data_file handle was NULL");
always @(posedge clk) begin
scan_file = $fscanf(data_file, "%d\n", captured_data);
if (!$feof(data_file)) begin
//use captured_data as you would any other wire or reg value;