I have JavaScript Object say:
var a = {b: Infinity, c: 10};
When I do
var b = JSON.stringify(a);
it returns the following
b = "{"b":null, "c":10}";
How is the JSON.stringify converts the object to strings?
I tried MDN Solution.
function censor(key, value) {
if (value == Infinity) {
return "Infinity";
return value;
var b = JSON.stringify(a, censor);
But in this case I have to return the string "Infinity" not Infinity
. If I return Infinity it again converts Infinity to null.
How do I solve this problem.
Like the other answers stated, Infinity
is not part of the values JSON can store as value.
You can reverse the censor method on parsing the JSON:
var c = JSON.parse(b, function (key, value) {
return value === "Infinity" ? Infinity : value;