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WebGrid pagination issue in MVC3

The issue is that pagination is working fine till the 9th page number and when I request the page which is in double or more digits then it takes the last digits and ignore the rest, say e.g. If I request a page number 10 then it displays the page 0 by passing "?page=0" as query string and discards the 1 and if I request a page number say e.g. 458 then it shows the page number 8 by passing "?page=8" as query string and discards the 45 from 458. Here is my code:

In Javacsript:

        $(function () {
    $('tfoot a').click(function () {
        // try to extract the page number from the link
        var page = this.href.match(/page=([0-9])+/)[1];

        // submit the form so that the POST action is invoked
        var form = document.forms[0];
        form.action = '/Session/Index?page=' + page;

        return false;

In view:

    var grid = new WebGrid(source: Model.ListSessions, rowsPerPage: 5,
    canPage: true, canSort: false, defaultSort: "Absentee");

    htmlAttributes: new { id = "grid" },
    tableStyle: "grid",
    headerStyle: "head",
    alternatingRowStyle: "alt",
    columns: grid.Columns(
                            grid.Column(format: @<text> <input type="hidden" id="ColorCodeValue" name="ColorCodeValue" value="@item.ColorCodeValue" /> </text>, style: "width:0px;"),
                            grid.Column("CreatedBy", "Created By"),
                            grid.Column("Session Title", format: (item) => Html.ActionLink((string)item.SessionTitle, MVC.Session.ActionNames.EditSession,
                            new { id = item.SessionId })),
                            grid.Column("SessionID", "Simple Session ID"),
                            grid.Column("StartDate", "Start Date"),
                            grid.Column("StartTime", "Start Time"),                               
                            grid.Column("SessionStatus", "Status"),
                            grid.Column("Prep Materials", format: @<text><a  onclick="SessionClick();" id="@item.EnableViewLink" href="@Url.Action(MVC.Session.Actions.ViewSession((string)item.SessionID))">View</a><a id="UploadSessionMaterial"  href="@Url.Action(MVC.Session.Actions.UploadSession((Int32)item.SessionId))">Upload</a>  </text>),
                            grid.Column("Action", format: @<text><a   href="@Url.Action(MVC.Session.Actions.ViewSession((int)item.SessionId))">View</a><a id="@item.IsPublished" class="@item.IsTranscriptExists" href="@Url.Action(MVC.Session.Actions.EditTranscript((Int32)item.SessionId))">Edited Session </a></text>)
                                     ), mode: WebGridPagerModes.All)

and in Controller:

    public virtual ActionResult Index(SessionViewModel model)
        model = GetSessionListing(model);
        return View(model);

    private SessionViewModel GetSessionListing(SessionViewModel model)
        if (model == null)
            model = new SessionViewModel();
        int page = 1;
        if (Convert.ToInt64( Request["page"]) != null)
            int.TryParse(Request["page"], out page);

        //Rest of Coding here           

        return model;

Any help would be great! If you still need to ask something more then please ask me. Thanks!


  • // try to extract the page number from the link
    var page = this.href.match(/page=([0-9])+/)[1];


    // try to extract the page number from the link
    var page = this.href.match(/page=([0-9]+)/)[1];

    You need that "+" inside the "()" because that "+" is required on the match pattern and not the pattern group for what you are trying to do here.

    Regular expressions are always tricky!!