I was solving following problem on LCM : Calculate LCM of N numbers modulo 1000000007
My approach :
typedef unsigned long long ull;
const ull mod=1000000007;
ull A[10009];
/*Euclidean GCD*/
ull gcd(ull a,ull b)
while( b != 0)
ull t = b;
b= a %t;
a = t;
return a;
ull lcm(ull a, ull b)
return (a/gcd(a,b))%mod*(b%mod);
ull lcms(int l ,ull * A)
int i;
ull result;
result = 1;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
result = lcm(result, A[i])%1000000007;
return result;
int main()
int T;
while(T--)/*Number of test cases*/
int N;
cin>>N;/*How many Numbers in Array*/
for(int i=0;i<N;++i)
cin>>A[i];//Input Array
return 0;
I am getting Wrong Answer when I submit my solution. The constraints are:
and 1<=A[i]<=10000
I guess I am getting Wrong Answer because of Overflow. How can I improve my Code?
is too big for me to take as an example. Let me use 17
for example:
LCMS(10, 9, 8) % 17 =
LCM(10, LCM(9, 8)) % 17 =
LCM(10, 72) % 17 =
360 % 17 =
This is what your code doing:
LCMS(10, 9, 8) % 17 =
LCM(10, LCM(9, 8) % 17) % 17 =
LCM(10, 72 % 17) % 17 =
LCM(10, 4) % 17 =
40 % 17 =
Which is wrong.