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How to initialize variables in a session scoped bean

I have two booleans that controls the render of some components, the problem is that the variables saves there last state until the session expires, i

<f:facet name="footer">
  <p:commandButton action="#{}" ajax="false" value="Publish"
                            rendered="#{personBean.reportMode}" icon="ui-icon-check" />
  <p:commandButton action="#{personBean.saveEditing}" ajax="false" value="Save"
                            rendered="#{personBean.editMode}" icon="ui-icon-check" />

the bean is session scoped and has the following attributes:

@ManagedBean(name = "personBean")
public class ReportPerson {
private boolean editMode;
private boolean reportMode;


the bean contains these method that changes the values of the booleans:

public String editPerson() {
    System.err.println("Edit Missing Person");
    editMode = true;
    reportMode = false;
    return "ReportNewPerson";

the problem is that these values remains until the session expires and as a result the components renders incorrectly


  • If you are using a session scoped bean then you should Initialize them in constructor like

    public ReportPerson(){
    //let say you want to show report mode by default
    editMode = false;
    reportMode = true;

    after then , create two methods like

    public void inEditMode(){
               editMode = true;
               reportMode = false;
    public void inReportMode(){
               editMode = false;
               reportMode = true;

    Now call #{reportPerson.editMode} and #{reportPerson.reportMode} on your rendering cpomponent and call these methods inReportMode() and inEditMode by getting bean from sessionmap in your backing bean.You may get bean from sessionmap like this

    ReportPerson rp = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("reportPerson");

    From this , you can get current bean and from this you can invoke


    As by using session scope , you have to change them by your logic because they will keep their state remain during the whole session.