I have a Java Swing application and a JInternalFrame..
In the JInternalFrame I have some input fields, and when I press a hotkey I want the following to happen:
If possible, I would like inputFrame to be a JInternalFrame, but it’s not a main issue.
Does anyone know a way to achieve this?
I found the answer in the source code for JOptionPane there I copied two static methods createInternalFrame and startModal (with just some small changes) and created my own class below:
public class ModalInternalPanel {
public static Object showInternalDialog(Component parentComponent, Container container, HasReturnValue hasReturnValue, String title) {
JInternalFrame frame = createInternalFrame(parentComponent, title, container);
if (hasReturnValue!=null) return hasReturnValue.getReturnValue(); else return null;
public static JInternalFrame createInternalFrame(Component parentComponent, String title, Container container) throws RuntimeException {
// Try to find a JDesktopPane.
JLayeredPane toUse = JOptionPane.getDesktopPaneForComponent(parentComponent);
// If we don't have a JDesktopPane, we try to find a JLayeredPane.
if (toUse == null) toUse = JLayeredPane.getLayeredPaneAbove(parentComponent);
// If this still fails, we throw a RuntimeException.
if (toUse == null) throw new RuntimeException ("parentComponent does not have a valid parent");
JInternalFrame frame = new JInternalFrame(title);
return frame;
private static void startModal(JInternalFrame f) {
// We need to add an additional glasspane-like component directly
// below the frame, which intercepts all mouse events that are not
// directed at the frame itself.
JPanel modalInterceptor = new JPanel();
JLayeredPane lp = JLayeredPane.getLayeredPaneAbove(f);
lp.setLayer(modalInterceptor, JLayeredPane.MODAL_LAYER.intValue());
modalInterceptor.setBounds(0, 0, lp.getWidth(), lp.getHeight());
modalInterceptor.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){});
modalInterceptor.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter(){});
// We need to explicitly dispatch events when we are blocking the event
// dispatch thread.
EventQueue queue = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue();
try {
while (! f.isClosed()) {
if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
// The getNextEventMethod() issues wait() when no
// event is available, so we don't need do explicitly wait().
AWTEvent ev = queue.getNextEvent();
// This mimics EventQueue.dispatchEvent(). We can't use
// EventQueue.dispatchEvent() directly, because it is
// protected, unfortunately.
if (ev instanceof ActiveEvent) ((ActiveEvent) ev).dispatch();
else if (ev.getSource() instanceof Component) ((Component) ev.getSource()).dispatchEvent(ev);
else if (ev.getSource() instanceof MenuComponent) ((MenuComponent) ev.getSource()).dispatchEvent(ev);
// Other events are ignored as per spec in
// EventQueue.dispatchEvent
} else {
// Give other threads a chance to become active.
catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// If we get interrupted, then leave the modal state.
finally {
// Clean up the modal interceptor.
// Remove the internal frame from its parent, so it is no longer
// lurking around and clogging memory.
Container parent = f.getParent();
if (parent != null) parent.remove(f);