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Remove titlebar of QMessageBox when use static method QMessageBox::information()?

To show a message box I use this code:

int ret = QMessageBox::question(this,"Title","Stupid code",QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);

Everything works as expected, but now, I want to remove the title bar of the message box. How can I achieve this?

I don't want to use:

QMessageBox msgBox("Title" , "Stupid code", QMessageBox::Question, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, this, Qt::FramelessWindowHint);


  • I would suggest that you create a wrapper function by creating your own XMessageBox class with a static member function question(), accepting the same arguments as QMessageBox::question(). In your wrapper function, create a QMessageBox object with the arguments given to your function and in addition, the Qt::FramelessWindowHint flag, call exec() and pass on the return value. This way you only need to search and replace all occurrences of QMessageBox::question with XMessageBox::question in your code.

    If you want more flexibility you can make your question() function accept an additional argument of type Qt::WindowFlags and pass this on to the QMessageBox constructor.

    The only alternative that will let you do what you want without changing any of your code would be to change the Qt code (qmessagebox.cpp) and recompile Qt.